Sharing a Cuppa

Thanks to everyone who bought me a coffee! One real flaw with that program is that I can neither identify who you are nor send a ‘thank you’ note. I appreciate the gesture, so thanks.

One thing that has really become clear to me over the past year is that kindnesses are how we bless one another. It can simply be a thought, a kind word or a gesture, numerous meaningful acts that don’t cost a thing. But, to take the time to buy me a coffee? Thank you so much! I wish we could sit, sip and chat.

Here’s me being kind today—sharing good work being done by a few others, a literary cuppa.

It’s disappointing to know that so many parents, teachers and librarians are still unaware of the BrownBookShelf (BBS)and all the work they do to promote Black authors, illustrators and the books they create for young readers. Please keep telling your friends about it.

In November, 2016 the BBS created a Declaration in Support of Children. A small portion of it states

The stakes are too high for us to be silent. The stakes are too high for us to wait for someone else to take the lead. The stakes are too high for us to just hope things will get better. Each day, we see attempts to disenfranchise and dehumanize marginalized people and to dismiss the violence that we face. As children’s book creators, we feel a special connection and responsibility to amplify the young voices that too often go unheard. When the headlines fade, the impact on children’s lives remains. They are left feeling confused, afraid, angry, hurt. We believe it is our duty to not just create, but also to empower children, affirm their lives and stand up for change.

For the BBS, as for many of us, statements aren’t enough. They’re actively declaring through the Amplify Black Stories program. And, actions speak much louder than words. Please, consider supporting this program. Also,  support BBS by making sure parents, librarians and educations know their website is a necessary place to vising to learn about Black literature for young people.

No, that’s not enough news for a Thursday!

Lee and Low has launched a Kickstarter campaign to help raise funds to produce a new graphic novel series, Clockwork Curanderawhich will begin with vol. 1 The Witch Owl Parliament. The book is a steampunk graphic novel reimagining of Frankenstein set in colonial Mexico, with simultaneous English and Spanish editions created by David Bowles and Raúl the Third. If the combination of Lee and Low, David Bowles and Raúl the Third doesn’t excite you then, just turn in all your books and stop reading. Seriously. Add to the mix Stacey Robinson (colorist)  and Damian Duffy (letterer). Read more or just go straight to Kickstarter.

I miss doing posts like this. There’s so much goodness going on in the margins.

Like Padma Venkatraman’s Diverse Verse Project. I can’t say enough about Padma, I admire her thoughtfulness and the work she does so much! She’s found the time to create a websitepadlet, and pinterest to promote the contributions of Asian/Asian American, Pacific Island/Pacific Island American, African/African American, Latinx, Caribbean and Indigenous poets and poetry (including verse novels) for young people. You’ll definitely want to add her work to your list of resources. Padma’s next novel, BORN BEHIND BARS, Nancy Paulsen Books, Penguin Random House is available for preorder.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, for all that you actively do to promote justice and equity.

It’s Earth Day! If you can’t a plant seed then recycle a book; it’s another way to plant a seed.

Be well and do good.